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Squarespace for Designers—Is It a Good Platform to Use With Clients?
I have been a website designer (specifically, a Squarespace website designer) for more than 4 years now—and one of my most-asked questions is why I specialize in Squarespace websites (as opposed to WordPress, Shopify, etc…) The short answer? Because both I and my clients love it. The long answer is going to be much longer than a sentence…
What You Need to Know About Squarespace Scheduling
Scheduling appointments and bookings as an entrepreneur can be a nightmare—so it’s no surprise that many platforms have come out easing the process for business owners. Squarespace now has its own calendar booking system, which adds to the already all-in-one platform this website builder has become recently. Acuity was one of…
How to Customize Squarespace Website Templates
Listen—I LOVE Squarespace and all the templates it has to offer, but there is also something major to be said for the importance of making sure your website encompasses your unique brand. The good news? You can customize Squarespace templates in order to give them your brand’s unique touch without building a website from scratch…
Squarespace Mobile View FAQs
As you build your website, one of the most important things you will want to take into consideration is how your interface will appear on a mobile device. If your website looks stunning and professional on a desktop, but disgruntled and disorganized on a mobile device, you will likely be making a poor impression on a good portion of…
What to Know About Squarespace Member Areas
Squarespace member areas are a fantastic way to add exclusivity + income to your website in a completely digital way. While some business owners use Squarespace member areas to offer customers/clients extra information or downloads for an additional price, other business owners use member areas as their entire business model (think…
Setting Up Redirects in Squarespace
Redirects: They’re often forgotten about in the world of website design, with topics like design and copy taking precedence, but they’re actually very important to maintaining a professional, easy-to-navigate online presence. As a Squarespace and Showit website designer, I tell my clients to be mindful of any external links to their website that…
Which Squarespace Plan is Best?
I’m a Squarespace and Showit website designer, which means the majority of my time is spent building websites, talking with clients, and helping them make decisions regarding the many options that come with both Squarespace and Showit. One of my most commonly asked questions is, “Which Squarespace plan is best?” Of course, there is…
6 Best Websites for Squarespace CSS
As a Squarespace and Showit website designer, I am often advising Squarespace users on how to use custom CSS on their websites. This is necessary when someone wants to use a feature or style that doesn’t automatically come with their Squarespace template, and wants to ensure that their website stands out from the rest in their industry…
Are Squarespace Templates Free?
A commonly asked question I see about Squarespace and its many template options is, “Are Squarespace templates free,” or “do I have to pay for them?” As you might have guessed, the answer to this is more complicated than a simple yes or no! While Squarespace does offer free template options, there are also a plethora of paid template…
Squarespace Forms: How to Set Them Up + Important Features
If you currently use Squarespace to host your website (regardless of what type of business you run,) Squarespace forms are a fantastic option for connecting with potential clients and customers easily and securely. My favorite things about using forms over simply providing an email address to which info can be sent are: 1. You can control…
Squarespace Email Campaigns: Is It Worth It?
I get a ton of questions from my clients regarding Squarespace Email Campaigns: their ease of use, how to set them up, and, above all, whether they are worth the time and money investment. I personally have not used Squarespace Email Campaigns for my own business, but, as a Squarespace website designer, I have helped many of my clients…
Squarespace for Podcasting: What You Should Know
If you currently own a business that utilizes a podcast as a marketing channel, it means you have one MORE thing to consider when choosing a website design platform for your business. You want something that will look great, have all the capabilities you need for running your business (from booking calendars to sales pages,) AND host your show…
5 Benefits of Using Squarespace for Photographers
I have been a Squarespace and Showit website designer for 3 years now, and one of my favorite types of clients to recommend the Squarespace website building platform to is photographers. Squarespace has numerous features that are beneficial to photographers, making it a great choice for any who are looking to launch or revamp their...
My Signature Squarespace SEO Framework
Curious what process I take my Squarespace SEO clients through? Keep on reading because I’m breaking that down in this post as I go through my framework in depth. Side note: Although this post and my services focus on Squarespace SEO, my packages work for any website builder. I’ve had clients come to me that use Wordpress…
How Long Will it Take to DIY your Squarespace or Showit Website?
If you are a business owner in the market for a new website or even a major website revamp, there’s a great chance that you’ve considered the DIY route. Though you may have heard how important it is to hire a designer, you’ve probably also considered the costs of doing so - and wondered if it would be best for your business in the long run…
8 Amazing Squarespace Features for Online Business Owners
I’m a Squarespace and Showit website designer, and I absolutely love designing websites for my clients using Squarespace. During the many years I have used it, it has continued to grow and improve - becoming a phenomenal option for online business owners who are looking to streamline and simplify their business practices for efficiency…
Helen Kirkum: Squarespace Website Design
I’m so excited to showcase this project! Let me introduce my wonderful client, Helen…Helen founded Helen Kirkum Studio Limited in 2019, and is a London-based artist and designer whose work has garnered international acclaim. She is widely considered a pioneer of the hacked and deconstructed aesthetic within the sneaker industry, and in…
How to Set Up a Custom 404 Page on Squarespace
One common mistake I see as a Squarespace and Showit website designer is how many business owners disregard adding a 404 page on their website. Your reaction to this is likely one of two things: “OMG! How could anyone NOT have a 404 page?!” OR “Um...what even is a 404 page (and why do I need it?!)” If your reaction was the latter, don’t…